Winnipeg Free Press , Winnipeg, Manitoba , Wednesday, February 04, 1948
Fair Haired Giant Human Skeletons Unearthed in New Zealand
Kaglan, N.Z., authorities were baffled Monday by the discovery on a lonely beach 30 miles from this north island town, 15 giant human skeletons, buried in wooden coffins. The skeletons are those of men all more than six feet tall, some almost seven feet. Authorities said the remains were not those of Maoris, as several had fair hair (Maoris are dark-haired) and the coffins contained decomposed scissors, knives, pipes, spades and buttons apparently of European origin. Some of the skulls were fractured, suggesting murder, but local Maoris have no record of a massacre in the vicinity. The bodies were wrapped in fine matting and blanket of tartan design.
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