Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Three Billy Goats Gruff FAIRY TALES FOR KIDS

a Norwegian folk tale
Once upon a time there were three Billy Goats who wanted to go up to the hillside to make themselves fat, and the name of all three was “Gruff.”
On the way up, they had to cross a bridge over a stream. And under this bridge lived a great ugly Troll with eyes as big as saucers and a nose as long as a poker.
The first to cross the bridge was the youngest Billy Goat Gruff.
“Trip, trap! Trip, trap” went his hoofs on the bridge.

“Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge?” roared the Troll.

“Oh! It is only I, the tiniest Billy Goat Gruff. I am going up to the hillside to make myself fat,” said the Billy Goat in a very small voice.
“Well, I’m coming to gobble you up!” said the Troll.
“Oh, no! Please do not take me. I’m too little, that I am,” said the Billy Goat.
“Wait a bit till the second Billy Goat Gruff comes. He’s much bigger.”
“Very well, be off with you!” said the Troll.
A little while later, the second Billy Goat Gruff came across the bridge.
“Trip, Trap! Trip, trap! Trip, trap!” went his hoofs on the bridge.
“Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge?” roared the Troll.
“Oh! It’s the second Billy Goat Gruff. I am going up to make myself fat,” said the Billy Goat in a strong voice.

“Well, I’m coming to gobble you up!” said the Troll.
“Oh, no! Don’t take me. Wait a bit till the big Billy Goat Gruff comes. He’s much bigger.”
“Very well, be off with you!” said the Troll.
Just then, along came the big Billy Goat Gruff. “Trip, trap! Trip, trap! Trip, trap! Trip, trap!” went his hoofs on the bridge.
The big Billy Goat Gruff was so heavy, the bridge creaked and groaned under him.
“Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge?” roared the Troll.
“It is I! The big Billy Goat Gruff!” said the Billy Goat, who had a very loud voice of his own.
“Well, I’m coming to gobble you up,” roared the Troll.
Then the big Billy Goat Gruff said:

“I’ve got two hoofs as hard as stones,
And I’ll dance on you ’til I bruise your bones.
I’ve got two horns upon my head
And I’ll throw you into a watery bed!”

And so he rushed at the Troll and knocked him down and danced all over him with his hard hoofs. Then he caught him on his horns and tossed him into the stream, and that was the end of the Troll. After that he went up to the hillside.

There, the three Billy Goats Gruff got so fat they were hardly able to walk home again. And if they haven’t gotten thinner, why they’re still fat; and so,

Snip, snap, snout,
This tale’s told out.


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